Friday, April 20, 2012

Starting Over With FlyLady's 31 Babysteps

Accountability is an important thing...

I'm starting over with FlyLady's babysteps. I did a bit of a face-plant off of the bandwagon, and rather then starting off again slowly, I kept trying to "Catch Up", which leads to crashing and burning, and frustration. So I'm determined to start slow, and do all of the 31 babysteps over. I even deleted all of the Flylady emails I've been saving to read "when I had time". (I had over 600...) Anyways, I started last night with...
Day 1 - Shine Your Sink
I didn't do the greatest job at it, because I was tired (I'm getting over a ridiculous cold), but I really wanted to do something, and I figured a quick sink shine was better then not doing it at all. I'm feeling better today, so maybe I'll shine the faucet or clean the grout when I shine my sink tonight.
Day 2 - Dress to Lace-up Shoes
Today, I got up and got dressed to my lace-up shoes. I'm not really sure this counts as a baby step for me, because it's one of the few habit's I've maintained regardless of everything else. I just don't feel right without my lace-up shoes on... Still I'm not rushing myself through these steps, so I'm not going to skip it. Besides, I still have to shine my sink again tonight.